Crystal Focus - Rock Quartz

One of the most common and powerful healing stones, Rock Quartz, also known as rock crystal, clear quartz, or quartz crystal, is the perfect crystal healing ‘all rounder’. This universal crystal’s powers lie in the ability to amplify energy and thought. It absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy. Because of these unique energy-amplifying properties, it is said to be beneficial for manifesting, healing, mediation, protection, and channeling.
Quartz is also known for its ability to create a serene and balanced environment; its clarity helps eliminate all the negative vibes and promote a harmonious atmosphere, balancing and revitalizing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. As the crystal creates a balanced, harmonious environment, it can help to clarify thought processes and emotions, increasing inspiration and creativity.
These stones have a strong connection with the third eye chakra and the crown chakra, which is physically the highest chakra in the body. The clear crystal helps bring clarity to your thoughts and provokes rational thinking and understanding.
It also helps you to dig deeper within your spiritual self and aids with growth. Along with this, it helps with the development of psychic abilities, protection and even counters black magic. It is perfect for people who struggle to concentrate, as it helps your mind to stay focused. It is great for studying and retaining all the knowledge.
Health wise, it is reputable to be effective for bone injuries, depression, arthritis, chronic fatigue, diabetes, physical strength, stamina and many more. It is used to strengthen the body entirely, and supports healing of any kind.
niin use rock quartz as a framing stone in a number of designs, as well as celebrating the beauty of the internal elements in our rutilated quartz pendant.. which style of quartz will you wear to find balance in your life?